1 min read

CholWishart now on CRAN

I decided to break off from matrixdist the portion dedicated to the Wishart-related functions. They are self-contained and don’t really exist on their own elsewhere (there are a few that include them along with a lot of other functionality, some in C++ but a lot in R), so it’s good to have a little package that offers them on their own. Not everybody would want or need matrixdist and it’s good to offer the option without polluting the NAMESPACE.

The package offers:

  • Sampling from the Cholesky factorization of a Wishart distribution.
  • Sampling from an inverse Wishart distribution.
  • Sampling from the Cholesky factorization of an inverse Wishart distribution.
  • Density function for the Wishart and inverse Wishart distributions.
  • Multivariate gamma and digamma functions.

The sampling functions are in C and are based on the function stats::rWishart() so they are roughly as fast.

sigma <- rWishart(1, 10, diag(6))[,,1]
args <- list(n = 10000, df = 10, Sigma = sigma)
results <- microbenchmark(
  A <- do.call("rWishart", args),
  A <- do.call("rCholWishart",args),
  A <- do.call("rInvWishart",args),
  A <- do.call("rInvCholWishart",args)
## Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.

Check out the package on CRAN or install:


or get the lastest development version:
